Welcome to St. Michael's Episcopal Church
in Fayette, Alabama.
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Our Parish Mission Statement
St. Michael’s Parish’s mission statement is Loving God, Loving People, Loving Life. This statement was reaffirmed by the Parish Vestry at its retreat on January 9, 2010. As a worshiping community we wholeheartedly welcome all who come, with whom we share God’s love and grace, his Word and Sacraments. We are actively committed to the good stewardship of God’s creation, and reach out to share ourselves and our resources in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you do not already have a church home, we invite you to come and grow with us. We welcome all your questions, because we know that we all can learn from one another – more about ourselves, our world, and our God. Come and learn more about two thousand years of church history. Come and learn about God’s daily presence in our lives.

In the beginning a faithful Christian, one Herb by name, believed God’s promise expressed in St. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 18, verse 20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” In order to find the two or three, the indefatigable Herb Lowe ran a small ad in the Fayette County Broadcaster in November 1968. Thereby were found the few who would gather to form a faith community worshiping in the Anglican tradition. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, initially begun as a mission, met in several places — a funeral home, the UDC Hut, and a vacant store on Caine Street, the first permanent location. The late Rt. Rev’d Furman Charles “Bill” Stough, VIII Bishop of Alabama, was of great help getting the parish started when he served as Diocesan Missioner for then Bishop George M. Murray.

Rev. Danny Whitehead
Our Rector
Having grown up in northern Fayette County Danny is pleased to return ‘home’ to serve the wonderful faith community here at St. Mike’s. He is a graduate of Hubbertvile High School and a U.S. Navy veteran. He has Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work from the University of Alabama and practiced his first calling as a social worker for 30 years. He was ordained to the priesthood in the Diocese of Louisiana in 2004 and served small congregations there, in North Dakota, in British Columbia and in Florence, Alabama prior to accepting a call here; celebrating this new ministry with Bishop Glenda Curry and the congregation on Michaelmas, 2021. Danny received a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Episcopal Divinity School and a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Church Divinity School of the Pacific.

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Events & News
Learn what’s going on around St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Beans and Rice
Hot Breakfast
9am Last Saturday of the month
On the last Saturday of every month we offer no questions asked free beans and rice and a hot breakfast to the community. In addition to the beans and rice we offer canned meat, peanut butter, canned fruit and vegetable.

Community Garden
Harvesting Hope is a Good News Garden affiliated with The Episcopal Church. We offer naturally grown vegetable in season free to anyone who wants to pick them. They are planted, cared for and harvested by parishioners although community members are encouraged to have their own plot. Johnston Place is a group home for intellectually challenged has a plot set aside for residents.

Hispanic Ministry
We provide once a month worship service and other special events including Quinceaneras, Tres Anos, and other special services as requested. Thanks to grants from the Diocese, we also provide ESL classes and Spanish for English speakers classes. We have initiated a relationship with Iglesia Episcopal Espiritu Santo in Tela, Honduras focusing on clergy exchange.

Senior Boxes
Third week of the month
In coordination with the West Alabama Food Bank we distribute boxes of food once a months to eligible community members age 60 and over.

Contact Us
Mailing Address
431 1oth Street NW Fayette, AL 35555
Contact Info
(205) 932-6929